During the excavations, which were begun in 1750, a statue of the Egyptian god Serapis was found and therefore the edifice was mistakenly held to be a temple. It is L. however nothing else but the "macellum" or the city market annexed to the port area ( I- II c. AD). The three columns of grey cipolin bear evident traces of th boles made by lithodomi (marine molluscs) and show the effects of bradyseism (slow upward and downward movement of the earth 's crust). The Macellum is enclosed in a rectangular area with a porticoed court and a row of "tabernae" (shops) down each side In the middle of the court rises a "tholos", a kind of circular temple whose entablature was supported by sixteen columns. There is a sort of apse in the end wall preceded by four massive columns, of which three are still erect and one lies on the ground.
The magnificence of the building can be seen in the marble revetments of the central court as well as of the two larger rooms at each end of the apse, which were public

The Amphitheatre of Flavian is the third biggest of the Roman world, after those of Rome and Capua.
Such grandeur testifies to the extraordinary technical skills achieved by the ancients.
It was located at a crossroads which linked Naples, Capua and Cuma.
Capable of holding up to 40.000 spectators, it's three levels were furnished with four main entrances and twelve secondary entrances.
As well as being an entertainment provision, the Amphitheatre was also a centre of urban life.
Under the external arches of the structure there existed a range of localities dedicated to cults, professional and other groups, all indicated by inscriptions on the stone.
It is particularly rewarding to visit the subterranean complex which gives a good idea of the sort of services and general organisation that must have been required for the functioning of the Amphitheatre.
It was also in this arena that some of the first Christian martyrs died.