The castle of Baiae was built by Alfonso II of Aragon in 1490-1493 on the remains of a Roman villa. After the eruption of Monte Nuovo in 1538, the castle was restructured by wish of the Viceroy Pedro de Toledo, who had the Church of the Madonna del Pilar built there in 1556. Its present appearance dates back to this restructuring. (now the archeologic museum of Baia)
gret panorama from the top of the Catle
Present here are ten bases an eleventh also pertains to the complex but was uncovered in the year 700- belonging to the porticoed area in front of three buildings reserved for worship and all related ceremonies.
The bases were supports for statues, not only Emperors to whom the complex was dedicated, but also of deities, consecrated likewise the Emperor
The Nymphaeum of Punta Epitaffio, strikingly arranged to create a “grotto” effect. In 1969 two marble statues were recovered from the water, still upright in the semi-circular apse, identified as Ulysses and a companion, depicted in the act of pouring wine for Polyphemus. Later two other statues were found, of the eight that decorated the niches of the nymphaeum. One of the statues depicts Antonia the Younger, mother of Claudius, deified during her son’s reign
How we immagin was
How was underwater Room of the Nymphaeum of Punta Epitaffio in miniatures
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Thank you very much for this wonderful information.
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